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您现在的位置:整形医院招聘网 > 全国最新求职资讯 > PIP implants have not shown any evidence of significant risk to human health
“Rigorous world-wide chemical and toxicological analyses of a wide variety of PIP implants have not shown any evidence of significant risk to human health”.



The recent NHS report also noted that “Silicone polymers of high molecular weight are considered highly unlikely to cross the barrier into breast milk and current advice from the MHRA [the UK regulator] is that women with PIP breast implants should continue to breast feed their infants. In theory it is possible that the lower molecular weight siloxanes could migrate into breast milk; the MHRA have therefore arranged for chemical analysis of a sample of breast milk from a patient with ruptured PIP implants and we will publish the results as soon as they are available. In the meanwhile …. we consider that there is no reason to depart from the current MHRA advice.”



In summary, most silicone compounds used in breast implants are too large to enter breast milk, and even if the implant ruptured and silicone directly entered a milk duct in the breast, the silicone is unlikely to have any effect on a breastfed baby. Although no specific studies of the smaller silicone compounds in breastfeeding women have yet been published using the PIP brand of silicone breast implants, studies of breast milk from women with other silicone breast implants have shown levels of silicone that are no higher than those found in breast milk from women without breast implants, most commercial infant formulas, and in supermarket milk.



There is no evidence that there is an increased risk to the child from breast feeding with a ruptured implant compared to an intact implant.   Although the current advice is to have an implant removed if it has ruptured, this does not need to be done urgently unless the ruptured implant is causing symptoms.   Decisions about when to cease breastfeeding and when to remove a ruptured implant are individual decisions that should be made by a woman in consultation with her surgeon.



Overall, these concerns underline the importance of informed consent prior to having breast implants - a woman contemplating this procedure who may wish to become pregnant or breastfeed should discuss these concerns with her surgeon prior to the operation, and ensure that she fully understands all the risks of the procedure, as well as its benefits.



In conclusion, the benefits of breastfeeding are well known, and extensive testing has not revealed any additional risks to a woman or her baby if PIP implants remain in her body during breast feeding without causing symptoms, whether or not the implants have ruptured.
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